Bonjours les amis, j’espère que vous allez bien! I came across this video today and I highly recommend, it is amazing!
By the way, I realized that I only knew one or two vegetables in French. So I decided to make a post listing vegetables in French. If you are planning to visit France and its markets, learn about them today!
The video is only 5 minutes. Along with the list listen to the pronunciation if you can ♥︎ I thank to the person who made this video !
une carotte - carrot
un brocoli - broccoli
un poivron - capsicum
un concombre - cucumber
un champignon - mushroom
une tomate - tomato
du maïs - corns
le petit pois - pea
un radis - radish
un oignon - onion
une pomme de terre - potato
la laitue - lettuce
le chou - cabbage
le chou-fleur - cauliflower
le céleri - celery
un artichaut - artichoke
un poireau - leek
une citrouille - pumpkin
une aubergine - aubergine
les légumes bios - organic vegetables
les légumes crus - raw vegetables
les légumes surgelés - frozen vegetables
Comment s’appelle ce légume?
Combien coûte le kilo de (veggies)? : remember after ‘kilo’, ‘de’ remains the same. It does not change to ‘du’ or ‘de la’ even after you put a noun after.
Je voudrais un kilo de (veggies), s’il vous plaît.
There is not only one pumpkin in French, there are multiple. In this video, he explains the difference between citrouille and potiron.
Were there any words that you learnt something new today? I learnt quite a lot and some are very tricky to say! Tell me in the comment if you know any other. Merci, and stay healthy! 🥒🥕🌽